Is terracotta cladding safe enough for High rise?
When thinking of using Terracotta Facade Cladding terracotta cladding, especially creative shape terracotta cladding in high-rise building or in costal place with typhoons and hurricanes, safety is always a big concern.
Even though terracotta is strong itself, architects might still have some concerns on the safety issue that terracotta might break, fall down and hurt people. So to enhance the safety of terracotta further, Paneltek’s R&D team has developed the re-enforcement solution, that is to apply stainless steel mesh or fibreglass mesh with a type of self-developed weather-resistent sealant on the panel & louver. This re-enforcement solution can be applied at the back of the panel or injected into cavity to prevents the debris falling in case of breakage and at the same time increase the strength of the products as well.
Here we would like to share a test comparing the performance of terracotta panel with cavity injection film and without cavity injection film when hit with a hammer.Should you like to know more about safety-plus solution, feel free to reply back.
Terracotta facade -- Safety-Plus Solution